
Conozca nuestros fondos en criptomonedas

Hodl inició brindando asesoramiento y orientación personalizados a distintos inversores en criptomonedas. Ahora ofrecemos varios fondos de criptomonedas registrados en distintas jurisdicciones. Nuestros analistas en finanzas y expertos en el mercado administran nuestros fondos diariamente y los adaptan cuidadosamente siguiendo una óptima relación riesgo y retorno.

Is your investment portfolio ready for cryptocurrency?

Do our investor scan and receive a personalized advice on the role of cryptocurrency in your investment portfolio.

Have you invested in cryptocurrency before?

In which manner did you previously invest?

Why haven't you invested in cryptocurrency yet?

On what timeframe do you expect to make a new investment in cryptocurrency?

In what timeframe do you see yourself investing in cryptocurrency?

<1 year
2 years
5 years
10+ years

What is your risk appetite?

Very defensive
Very offensive

How much do you expect to invest at that moment in time?

How large could a future allocation of cryptocurrency be in your investment portfolio?

Drag the slider to get started
80.000 €

If you had invested this amount with Hodl on December 31st 2020, it would have grown to {calculated_roi:welkBedragWiltUInvesteren1}, a return of 275.19%.

Returns since 31-12-2020
46.02 %
S&P 500
26.99 %
25.97 %
8.76 %

Thank you for submitting your answers.

Leave your details below and find out if your investment portfolio is ready for cryptocurrency.